The Secret History of Chiropractic

The Secret History of Chiropractic: D.D. Palmer’s Spiritual Writings, tells the fascinating story of chiropractic’s beginnings. The story of chiropractic’s early days is a testament to the vision and insight of D.D. Palmer, chiropractic’s founder. Palmer’s early struggles, legal battles, and philosophic developments are fraught with mystery and intrigue. The book examines D.D. Palmer’s quotes and his most intriguing writings on body, mind, and spirit. For Palmer, chiropractic was more than just a means of assisting people to achieve health, it was a new way for humanity to become enlightened to spiritual truths and evolve in this life and beyond.

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Out of print – 20th anniversary edition due in 2026


What people are saying about The Secret History of Chiropractic

“Simon Senzon is one of chiropractic’s best “story tellers”. He combines brilliant technical research into the profession’s history with a true academic understanding of philosophy and spiritual teachings with a gentle and playful style. Simon is one of today’s great resources from within the ranks of the chiropractic profession.” – Donald Epstein, DC, founder and developer of Network Spinal Analysis

“Not only does Simon reconsider some common interpretations of well-recognized historical events in D.D. Palmer’s life, but he also explores D.D.’s philosophical thinking in detail… For some this will be controversial, while others will likely welcome it like a breath of fresh air in an overcrowded, smoky room.” – Ashley Cleveland, DC, Vice President, Parker University

“Simon Senzon is one of chiropractic’s best “story tellers”. He combines brilliant technical research into the profession’s history with a true academic understanding of philosophy and spiritual teachings with a gentle and playful style. Simon is one of today’s great resources from within the ranks of the chiropractic profession.”

– Donald Epstein, DC, founder and developer of Network Spinal Analysis, Somato Respiratory Integration and author of The Twelve Stages of Healing and Healing Myths, Healing Magic “Dr. Simon Senzon goes to the source of the controversial foundation of the chiropractic profession… At its best and most complex, Dr. Senzon frames a dialogue that the profession must extend so as to engage the healthcare system.” – Guy Riekeman, DC, president, Life University “Not only does Simon reconsider some common interpretations of well-recognized historical events in D.D. Palmer’s life, but he also explores D.D.’s philosophical thinking in detail… For some this will be controversial, while others will likely welcome it like a breath of fresh air in an overcrowded, smoky room.” – Ashley Cleveland, DC, Provost, Cleveland Chiropractic College – See more at:

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Second Edition


Integral Altitude, Inc.


March 28, 2014








6 inches wide x 9 inches tall


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